Professional translator or machine translation?

Professional translator or machine translation?

The development of artificial intelligence has led many to consider machine translation as an alternative to professional translators. However, despite technological progress, translations prepared by real specialists still have several advantages over machine translations.

In the modern world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is actively being integrated into various areas of life, including text translation. However; despite significant advancements in this field, professional translators have several advantages that make them indispensable in many situations.

The human factor remains more important than AI for the following key aspects:

  • Quality of translation
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Accuracy and understanding of context
  • Confidentiality
  • Creativity

An experienced translator takes into account the context as well as the emotional and stylistic aspects

One of the main disadvantages of AI in translations is its inability to fully understand the context. Professional translators always analyse the content of the text, considering cultural, historical, and social aspects, which helps avoid errors and ensures a more accurate translation. The cultural context includes language nuances such as idiomatic expressions and culturally specific concepts. For instance, phrases used in certain cultural contexts can have different meanings depending on the country or region. Unlike AI, a translator has a deep understanding of cultural differences, which plays a key role in the translation process.

Moreover, an experienced linguist is well-versed in specialised fields (such as medicine, law, technology and pharmacy) and can provide a translation that takes into account the terminology and context of these specific areas.

AI is based on algorithms and the data it has been trained on. This means it may be limited in its ability to adapt to new or unusual requests. A translator, on the other hand, can quickly learn, acquire new vocabulary and terminology and adapt to changing work conditions. They can swiftly respond to feedback and make adjustments.

Personalized approach and guaranteed confidentiality of personal data

Working with important information, such as medical documents or personal data, requires a high level of confidentiality and professional ethics. Our translators adhere to ethical standards in the translation field and confidentiality norms, whereas using AI for such tasks can pose a risk of information being misused or disclosed.

Additionally, human translation ensures a personalised approach. Translators can take into account the target audience, communication style and adapt the text for specific readership. This is especially important for marketing and business documents, where it is necessary to consider the cultural characteristics and preferences of the target audience.

Unlike machines, professional translators can interact with customers, clarify project details, discuss and consider special requirements and wishes. Such communication helps to make sure that the customers’ needs are better met.

Moreover, translators are responsible for their work, which motivates them to achieve high quality translations. AI, on the other hand, lacks a sense of responsibility, cannot make ethical decisions, and does not have the ability to interact with customers at such a level. While a human translator can be held accountable for a gross mistake, it is impossible to take legal action against a machine.

Can artificial intelligence compete with humans in terms of creativity?

Translators not only convey content but also preserve the style and tone of the original text. Literature, advertising materials, and sometimes even official documents often require a delicate approach to maintain their emotional component and essence.

Translation is not just a mechanical process of replacing words from one language with words from another. It is also a creative process that requires the ability to adapt the text for a new audience. Linguists are capable of showing creativity, recognizing and conveying emotions, and being flexible in their choice of words and structures to convey the author’s thoughts and the mood of the work. This is especially important in genres such as poetry, fiction or marketing.

A professional translator is able to convey these nuances, whereas AI often translates mechanically without considering stylistic differences. Therefore, for now, it cannot compete with humans in terms of creativity and artistry.

So, who is better: man or machine?

No matter how well-developed artificial intelligence is, it is not yet as versatile as a human.

Although AI can be a useful tool for basic translation aimed at quickly understanding the main idea of a text, human translation remains indispensable for tasks that require subtlety, utmost precision and extensive knowledge of technical terms and abbreviations. The human mind, with its ability to adapt, continues to be a key factor in high-quality translation.

The professional translators at AP Fachübersetzungen in Nuremberg, Germany, are happy to offer you competent support and become your partners in specialised translations.

Do you have questions or would you like to place an order for written or oral translations? Contact us, we will be happy to help you!


Image: Growtika,