Fast and professional technical translations in Germany

Fast and professional technical translations in Germany

Industry and technology are growing fields that constantly present new challenges, even for professional specialist translators. Technical translations should usually be stylistically neutral and are characterised by precise, consistent terminology, which is often coordinated with the customer, and a high degree of clarity of meaning, which aims to avoid any room for interpretation.

In an increasingly globalised world, supply chains often lead through several countries and language areas, and sales markets need to be developed on all continents. In order to accomplish this without trouble, more and more professional technical translations of texts from the industrial sector need to be made in Germany, e.g:

  • User manuals
  • Brochures
  • Data sheets
  • Catalogues
  • Assembly instructions
  • Product descriptions
  • Training material
  • Specifications
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Technical documentations

Special requirements for specialised technical translations in Germany

Technical translations in Germany place special requirements on both the translation itself and the specialist translator. Operating instructions, specifications and documentations aim to convey technical content as precisely and clearly as possible. In order not to impair the comprehensibility of the technical language, neutral formulations without embellishments or literary devices are often chosen. Compound sentences and complex sentence structures with impersonal verb forms are used frequently. Passive voice is often used to make the text more objective and neutral. Redundant words or phrases are rare in technical German translations. Facts and objects should be named unambiguously. Some technical texts require such a high degree of precision that the meanings of different verb forms are defined in advance. For example, the simple present is used to prescribe the standard course of action, while auxiliary verbs such as "must" and "should" mean an absolute requirement or a recommendation.

The professional technical translators at AP Fachübersetzungen in Nuremberg (Germany) retain these characteristics in the translation. When translating technical texts, it is particularly important that the content is transferred as precisely as possible. A free translation or the omission of a supposedly meaningless or superfluous word should only occur when the translator is absolutely positive that the correct meaning is conveyed. Since the source text ideally does not allow for different interpretations, there should also be no room for interpretation in the technical translation.

Technical terminology: High demands on translators and a constantly growing number of terms

In addition to technical translations, the team of AP Fachübersetzungen from the German city of Nuremberg also offers high-quality translations in the fields of medicine, pharmacy and law. Common to all these specialist fields is the highly specific terminology. The professional technical translators at AP Fachübersetzungen not only have to bear in mind that various fields such as mechanical engineering, materials technology, testing and measuring technology or information technology have very specialised technical terms, some of which have several meanings, but also that industrial and technology companies often coin their own terms or prefer certain terms over others. The high standards demanded of a technical translation in Germany therefore make it necessary for the translator to be familiar with the subject matter and have mastery of technical terminology in both languages: English and German. Nevertheless, the name of a particular component may be translated in several different and subjectively correct ways. However, in order to achieve and maintain the necessary level of precision, terminology should not only be unambiguous and consistent within a single text, but also across several translations. The technical translators at AP Fachübersetzungen use so-called CAT tools, which save customer-specific translations and allow for the integration or creation of customer-specific glossaries with very little editing. Technical texts always have the same or similar sentences or sentence structures, which the CAT tool recognises. These matches not only ensure consistently high translation quality, but can also have a positive effect on the price.

In addition, authors who, for example, write operating instructions for a machine that has unique innovative functions or applications often have to borrow terms from other scientific fields or disciplines or coin new terms for certain components. If the customer has not yet specified a term for the respective foreign language, the technical translator has to get creative. Here, too, it pays off when an experienced translator can draw on his or her technical expertise and understands the contexts that informed the new word.

Only use experts for technical translations of specialised texts

Technical translations require a high level of expertise and linguistic confidence. The experienced team at AP Fachübersetzungen from the German city of Nuremberg is always at your disposal for high-quality technical translations. Our professional specialist translators for English, French, Spanish, Russian and many other languages ensure that your instructions and brochures are understood all over the world.

You can also contact us for technical presentations, trade fairs and equipment training. Our experienced simultaneous or consecutive interpreters, who specialise in the field of technology, will facilitate understanding at your event throughout Germany and beyond.


Bild: ThisisEngineering RAEng,